Rabu, 23 November 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

        Thanksgiving has evolved in many ways since its creation but the main aspects of the holiday are still the same, thank God that they are! Food, tons of glorious food, seating with family, friends or loved ones, having the good times and bad times of family gatherings, the love, the fights, the reconciliation, the glorious amounts of food, Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays out there, even with everything good or bad that comes with it. Its the whole of the experience that counts, the act of being together, the freedom to eat as much as you want, and taking the time to be thankful for the blessings in life, that is the most important aspect of thanksgiving, right after family and food.

         Taking time out of your busy schedule to think about life and be thankful for all the good things that are going on is paramount to living a healthy and happy life. There is nothing that brings more joy in life than being thankful, and nothing that laughs at the face of chaos more thoroughly than when you are thankful. Its important, and we have a holiday devoted to it, devoted to taking that time off, to raise awareness of it, and raising awareness to the good things in life is what we are all about. There is much to be thankful for, lets start with the simple one, LIFE! let's celebrate life, and love, and freedom, and glorious foods!

         Some of you will not be able to be near family, some will have to work all day tomorrow, others will spend the holiday alone, though it is unfortunate that this is happening we wish you a fantastic thanksgiving, and raise a glass to you, for we have been there before, we have all experienced being alone during the holidays, having to work, or being far away, it is never an easy thing, and we wish you a happy thanksgiving, may you cling to happy memories and close friends, memories of times past are a great thing to be thankful for, and keep in mind that Christmas is right around the corner, so smile and be merry my friends!

        So we hope you all have a glorious thanksgiving, may you eat tons of turkey and ham, and may it be a glorious occasion with much laughter and love. If you feel down at any point, just imagine what America would have been like had Benjamin Franklin had his way and the turkey had become our national bird, lol at that thought, for it truly is a funny one.

      Love from your humble blogger,

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