Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

There Are Different Ways To Shine

        If you haven't read Anne Polajenko's post "Calling all Dancers" then please do so, it contains a lot of good info on how you can possibly acquire some free So Danca gear. And free is always a fantastic thing. Another way by which we bring people together and offer a free service to our consumers is through this blog, allow me to enlighten you on the infinite possibilities available to you. And best of all, there are no strings attached, believe it or not, its actually a free service.

       If you have an upcoming performance and would like for us to highlight it, just send us a pic of the poster and a brief description of the event, and we'll help you get some more view by posting it on here, free online advertizing, the way the internet should have always been. This also applies to stores that wish to have a blurb on here, dance schools as well. This also applies to any coming of age dancer who has either a photo or a youtube video of himself/herself dancing, if we get a lot of these we could even start a weekly "Dancers You Should Keep An Eye Out For" post.

       Now it is true that we all love dance, but maybe dance is not your overall goal, maybe you want to be a writer or a musician or an artist. Truly I say to you, there is a ton of space for you as well. We constantly feature other people's work, the ones that get sent to us by artists like yourself get featured in an article with your name and a link to whatever gallery you provide. Your level of skill is not the focus here, the focus is getting a chance to show your work to the world, and starting the journey of getting your name out there, for all to see.

        We've previously hosted a guest writer, Stephen Demmler's story "Superman's Landlord", and we could host one of your stories as well. This could be a fictional story, could be a story about your own life, dance, the dance community around you, dreams and aspirations, a movie review. Maybe you disagreed with a previous review we've done, well let your voice be heard and send us your own review, there is always room for the "people" to let their voices be heard.

        And musicians, honestly we wouldn't be here without you guys. Personally I love supporting upcoming artists, it's always great to see a garage band become a super popular. If you've recently written a song and want it to be featured here, just shoot me a youtube link, and we'll let the populace hear your fantastic work. There are many mediums on the internet that will aid you in getting your name out there, one more will only aid you further.

       Email your works to News@sodanca.com and get your name out there, at So Danca we love giving people these type of opportunities, to let yourself be heard, and bring the community together,

     Love from your humble blogger,

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