Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Battling stress

            With shoe conventions coming up and “back to school” orders getting delivered, sometimes we forget to take the time to breathe and relax a little during our day. Here at So Danca’s HQ it’s no exception. We are so busy trying to get everything that needs to get out gone, and doing our best to meet all of our customer’s needs, that sometimes we forget to take a second to relax during the day.
Forgetting to take a step back and analyze the situation in front of us with caution is a constant problem within a lot of people’s lives. It’s a dilemma really, we want to get all our work done and at the same time want to not have a stressful day.
I’ve compiled a five-step list of easy things to do while at work that can maximize your productivity and help you relax a bit, therefore getting all the work that needs to be done completed/on it’s way to being so, while being able to finish the day rested and content.

·      Don’t forget to hydrate!
         When we get involved within our jobs, sometimes we forget that our       bodies need attention as well, therefore keeping a water bottle next to you during the day is an easy way to stay hydrated and be able to take a 5-10 second break from your work.
·        Have a mid-afternoon snack 
           Your body needs energy to finish the day well, having a small snack around 3pm or 4pm can help you find that energy you need to finish the day well, and also gives you the ability to enjoy one of life’s simple pleasures while at work.
·      Get up! (Or Sit Down!)
           Staying seated for too long can be taxing on your body so standing up for a minute or so every hour and stretching your legs can really go a long way to keep your circulation going and your body healthy. In the  same way staying standing for too long can also be taxing, so sitting down for a minute or so can be a great rest for your body, allowing your body to have a small necessary break.
·      Stay Organized
           Having a “to-do list” is extremely helpful while at work and truly in life as well. By using this tool, when you get to work you can focus on completing each task that needs to be completed in an individual basis, thus not only keeping you organized but also providing you with small “victories” throughout your day.
·      Smile!
          This last one seems silly, but it is a proven fact that if you smile more throughout the day that you’ll in turn begin to feel good about the day. Be it watching a quick funny video, or seeing a funny comic, listening to a joke from a co-worker or just simply remembering funny instances in your life, smiling can be one of the greatest underrated tools at your disposal. 

I hope some of you find this list informative and helpful. Have a great rest of the week. See you all Tuesday.
                                                 Love from your humble blogger,

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