Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Recalling Our Highlights: So Danca 2011

     With the closing of the year near us, we here at So Danca believe that it is important to look back unto the blessings that this past year brought, remembering all the good things that occurred in order to never forget them, and thus understand how fantastic this year really was. It is really easy to get bogged down on the bad, to only remember the bad things that happened, thus this exercise of looking back on the good is very important and is one we recommend to everyone. Here is a look at the highlights of this year for So Danca:


      The recession has hit us all pretty hard and we are no different than any other company out there when we say that it was a tough year full of heavy planning and sweat. Though this year was a tough one we braved the storm like champions and came out of this year not only in good standings but we also grew 25%, which is our company's all time record. Thus we at So Danca are very happy to see our sweat and hard work pay off, we look forward to this next year anticipating an even better year.

    New Product 

     This year we introduced  our new pointe shoes SD09 and SD40  in the market promising that they would not disappoint any who would wear them, and Oh did they do well. Our new pointe shoe line quickly was accepted in the market and began to win the hearts of the populace one foot at a time, quickly establishing itself as the best shoe in the market and one of our best selling items we have. If you love pointe and have not tried our shoes yet then do yourself a kindness, in fact do your feet a kindness and go to your nearest retailer and try one on, we promise your feet will be in bliss.

    Best Selling Line

      This came to no surprise to us, our tap shoe line has been the best in the market since its birth. We believe in having the best possible product in the market at all times, putting all our expert shoe makers together with professional dancers to provide you with the best tap shoes in the market, thus it came to no surprise that our tap shoes earned such great standings in the charts and in your hearts. We will continue to support the tap world with the best shoes in the market, the tap scene deserves nothing but the best, and we at So Danca only know how make perfection, you can always count on us.


     So Danca USA and So Danca Canada have both begun doing tap workshops all throughout their respective countries, within the USA branch So Danca has been hosting tap workshops taught by the great pair Aaron Tolson and Derrick Grant, be sure to stay tuned for upcoming tap shows at your nearest retail store, or request one from a retail store in order to bring Aaron and Derrick to your town, for more details stay tuned here as well, as we will always keep you In The Know. Our Canada branch is also hosting these workshops taught by the one and only Everett Smith, we've seen nothing but great things come from Everett and any time spent with him has always been a good time, a great teacher, a great dancer, a great guy, overall a fantastic addition to our So Danca family.

      Clothing Line

     This year So Danca's USA and Canada branches both wowed the North American market by introducing our European clothing line taking everyone by surprise and stealing the hearts of millions. So Danca's European branch produces the most beautiful styles in the world, with designers from Italy, France and surrounding countries we stand out above all competition, always providing you with the most exquisite clothing lines deserving your attention and admiration.


     So Danca's USA branch has also begun having periodical pointe shoe seminars with our very own Anne Polajenko. These are held at our USA headquarters located over at Deerfield Beach, Florida, and will always be advertized here and on our main site, so be sure to keep a look out. We've had great success with these seminars and there has been high demand for them to happen more frequently so be sure to check with us for upcoming news, for they will surely be coming soon.


     This year marks the 14th year in a roll where the So Danca customer service team has been rated the best in the world. This is something we take very seriously, since the birth of our company we have always fought to provide you with the best team we could find, we have no robots answering our phones, you'll always find someone on the other line with a smile ready to answer any and all of your questions, with honesty and respect. At So Danca we believe in old family virtues, and the need to always be respectful to anyone and everyone. You can always count on us, we are here for you.


    This year market the beginning of something beautiful, this was the year that So Danca went viral witnessing the birth of our ever growing blog "Be In The Know". We thank everyone that has been supporting our blog's growth, and promise to continue providing you with entertaining posts, informative posts, encouraging posts and more. So keep checking every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for there is a lot more to come!!!


    So Danca has had a fantastic year and we hope that you have had a glorious year as well. We hope you have a fantastic New Year and please make sure to be safe in your celebrations.

       "So Danca Fits Well, Feels Great, Is Always Available, And Very Comfortable, We Are The Best!
                                                                It's As Simple As that"

Love from your humble blogger, (and a Happy New Year to you all!)

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Reliving the Highs and Lows of 2011

   2011 was a year packed with excitement, we had celebrity scandals, riots, uprisings, rise of trends and new fads, new artists emerged from thin air, we had good times and bad times but overall it was a solid year. We've sought to compile a list of the best and worst of 2011 and also included some highlights of the year, including events we should remember and conflicts that we should never forget. A lot of these are relative thus our opinion might differ from your own, if so then leave us a comment letting us know what you thought was the deserving winner within a category, there are a lot to choose from so its always a hard process finding winners within such a vast sea of choices. Alas, without further ado let us get started:


       Movie of the Year

       "Drive" is our choice winner for best movie of the year, with a stellar cast and a fantastic story, this drama grasps our attention from beginning to end providing us with one of the best performances of the year. There were a lot of good movies this year, but "Drive" was the one that stood out the most, giving us everything we could want from a movie and more. This is an obvious choice for next year's Academy Awards.

        Most Looked Forward to Movie

         There are a lot of choices for this category and after much debate and squabble we settled on a three way tie between "The Hunger Games", "The Hobbit", and "Dark Knight Rises" two of which are sequels and one that will spawn two more sequels. "The Hobbit" being the prequel to "The Lord Of The Rings" deserves all the attention it is getting, and "Dark Knight Rises" being the closing chapter within Nolan's depiction of the dark vigilante also has everyone waiting with drawn breaths, "The Hunger Games" is a tad different, the books where brilliant and the trailer for the movie looks promising, but there is no telling if it will deliver the product it's been boasting, thus it is a gamble but the following for this movie is growing exponentially as time passes.

         Least Looked Forward to Movie

         For some odd reason Hollywood decided that it would be a great idea to remake "The Three Stooges", not only that but they also thought that it would be an even better idea to include the cast of "Jersey Shore" within it thus making this our least looked forward to movie, the audacity of the director for even thinking about making this movie is overwhelming, a sure absurdity of a movie, chances are it will flop but who knows, it might be so absurd that it gains a following, no way of knowing these things. 


          Best Series of the Year

                To us this is an obvious choice, "Game Of Thrones" has not disappointed us yet in its approach, its loyalty to the books, the brilliantly chosen cast and their genius manipulation of the audience which allowed for constant twists and turns that made this be the obvious choice for series of the year. We hope that this season was not a fluke and that future seasons will continue to wow us in the way that this season did. Our choice for runner up and close second was "Breaking Bad" followed by "Modern Family", all of which deserve your attention and are engaging from beginning to end. "Community" deserves a shout out for providing us with one of the best comedy series of the year, it does not stand up to "Modern Family" in our opinion but it is a series worth watching.

        Most Changed Show

          Oh "Two and a Half Men", this show was pretty good when Charlie was around but it has taken a turn to the unknown with the introduction of Aston Kutcher, its not as if the show in itself has become bad, it just changed significantly.The character of Jake Harper was the one that changed the most, within the beginning of the series he was a growing young man with questions and some witty remarks, now he is being portrayed as the ignorant teenager with cheesy lines every other line, they are exaggerating the ignorant teenager angle so much that its almost offensive for teenagers, its almost saying "you're all idiots and here is a portrayal of that idiocy", which annoys even me. Thus the destination of this show is still unknown, hopefully they will work out their issues and mature from the Charlie scandal, so far they took a dive, lets hope they get their act together soon.


         Console/PC Game of the Year

             The console war this year was great and many good games were released, choosing one game to rule them all is a tough choice but alas we had to settle on the game changer "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". Skyrim was overall the best role playing game of the year, it gives us one of the biggest open world maps, more choices than any other game in the market and an amazing replay value. A close second to this was Minecraft which deserves much respect being that this was a game released by a smaller studio that targeted the 'non-gamer' audience and succeed in providing one of the best products in the market, a job well done overall.

        Mobile Game of the Year

       To us this was an obvious choice, as soon as "Tiny Wings" came into the scene it captured our attention and after a short while playing it it caught our undivided attention and hearts. Its a simple game but its such a fun game, in the same way that "Angry Birds" and "Cut The Rope" grasped out attention "Tiny Wings" in quickly becoming one of the most played games on the mobile market, and thus deserving the title of best mobile game released this year. 


          Most Looked forward to Gadget

               This year marked the final breaths of life of the PSP while Sony unveiled the successor to their handheld the "PlayStation Vita". Though the Vita has released in Japan it has not made its way to the United States as of yet, but we will be getting our hands on this device sometime next year and oh are we excited about it. Sony is promising to correct the mistakes they made with the PSP and give us a better more versatile product, Sony seldom disappoints thus making this product the most looked looked for gadget of 2012.

           Best Tablet

            There is an obvious battle going on in the smartphone realm, a battle which the office here is divided on, but when it comes to the tablet race we are in full agreement, the "Apple Ipad 2" wins in all respects. Apple really went out of their way to defeat the competition and give us the best product in the market. Not only is the Ipad the best looking product in the market it also boasts the best price for what it is offering and is the most versatile product in the market which is what matters most in the end, a clear choice when it comes to tablets.


        Most Memorable Death

              This year we experienced the loss of one of the most influential visionary and inventor of our generation, Steve Jobs. Steve gave us more than we can measure, he changed the game forever, from music, to phones, to laptops, to how we buy music, Steve changed the game and set the tone for where the industry should head and what it needs to look like, truly a man that should never be forgotten. Another death worth mentioning and remembering was that of visionary Christopher Hitchens, who had a significant impact in the intellectual world, less known around the net but still a man that should be remembered. Also significant are the tyrants that died this year making the world a better place, those being Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi.

         Best Wedding

             There were a lot of good weddings this year, many of which were beautiful and the amount of money spent on some of those could feed a small country, though the one that stood atop them all was Prince William and Kate's wedding. The world stopped to see this wedding, with every television network in the world making references about it, or simply stopping their regular shows to broadcast it, it was the most watched wedding of the year, deservingly so, it put on the best show among them all.

         Biggest Divorce

        There were three divorces that stand out among all the separations we experienced this year, all three have different striking features. The first is a disappointment to us all, that being of Ashton's announcement that they are going to divorce, Ashton's relationship represented the most successful celebrity relationship for a long time (still not as much as Will Smith's, of course), so seeing its demise saddened many of us. The second is Kobe Bryant's divorce, being significant because he might be losing over $100 million dollars on it therefore making this one of the most expensive divorces in NBA history, though not comparing to Mel Gibson's divorce of $425 million, Kobe's still packs a punch. And of course the trend setter for the shortest wedding lasting about 72 days was Kim Kardashian, she earns the title 'trend setter' because now other celebrities have decided to jump on the bandwagon and compete for shortest wedding, sad really.

       Celebrity Scandal

       There were a ton of celebrity scandals this year, Lindsay still going on her binges of course (to be expected), and some political scandals due to people being ignorant on how to be private with technology, but the most obnoxious meltdown of them all had to be that of Charlie Sheen. What brought on this meltdown no one really knows, maybe it was all the drugs, maybe it was the pressure, or maybe the guy is just insane, but for some reason this meltdown was the most entertaining of them all. I even feel guilty about admitting it, but I laughed at his interviews while the whole thing was going on, its a sick thing that we love to see celebrity meltdowns but it is a reality, from Britney shaving her head to Charlie Sheen saying he has tiger blood, we love the crazies, maybe because it makes us feel sane and successful at life, either way, Charlie wins this years meltdown award.          

           Best CD

               With the ability to purchase songs individually on Itunes there is rarely a CD that is good enough to be purchased whole, and thus Michael Buble's "Christmas" CD deserves all the respect it has been getting. This CD holds all the Christmas tunes we love, while being sung in new and different ways, while still holding on the the tunes we remembered from long ago. It is a well done product overall, and one I recommend to everyone.

           Best Song

             We had a lot of good tunes this year, from Chris Brown's "Look At Me Now" to Adele's "Rolling In The Deep", but there was one group that caught us by surprise and stole the hearts of not only one type of listening group but multiple listening groups, that being Foster The People's "Pumped Up Kicks". The song is catchy and warm, a good 'feel good' tune, an easy choice for best song, the only complaint one could have about this band would have to be the rest of the CD which wasn't as good, but we can only hope that Foster The People will realize what their fan base loves and give us more of it on their next release.

          Worst CD 

        One of the most disappointing CD's of this year, a truly sad feat, was Incubus' latest album "If Not Now, When?". I've not heard any Incubus fan say anything good about this CD, some have sought to defend it on loyalty alone, but even that was a short lived battle, Incubus let their fans down big time with this release, deserving our Worst CD of the Year award.

          Best Music Video

      The Black Keys did something really different and not often seen within the market on their music video for the song "Lonely Boys", how the story goes is that they had a whole plan where they were going to do a dance sequence with six or so dancers behind them, but once they saw Derrick Tuggle performing the dance they decided to just base the whole video behind his dance, and what a great move that was. This video doesn't show anyone from The Black Keys but it captures our hearts anyway, thus deserving the best music video award.

  Fads and Trends

       Strange New Fad

          Flash mobs are not a new thing, but for some reason this year spawned the era of flash mobs being 'cool' which is strange. Flash mobs were always fun to watch, but now they are happening everywhere, soon to be a norm and losing their most brilliant aspect, the rarity of it. The reason flash mobs were a big deal before was because no one did them, so when they happened they stole the hearts of those around them, with flash mobs happening more often they lose that impact and thus by becoming a trend they might successfully demean the whole act, sad really, only time will tell.

        How did this happen?

         Every year there is one trend that is picked up that makes us wonder how it came to become popular, from funky glasses, to Uggs, this trend always occurs. This year we were not introduced to this fad but it finally became a norm trend, Silly Bandz, which are obnoxious. Don't take me wrong its a brilliant idea and I've bought some for friends before, but when did you ever think that this would ever become a trend? Thus winning our 'How did this happen?' award.

       Stereotype That Gained Acceptance

         Though the hipster movement has been around for a while now, a while being a few years, they finally gained global attention this year, global meaning in all facets of our life, from businesses to clothing companies, to movies, and so forth. The hipster was finally embraced and became an accepted stereotype among the whole world, which should bring the demise of hipsters being that now being hipster is cool thus I wager another movement will branch out from this movement creating the next stereotype to come, it's a vicious cycle really, smh.


         Best YouTube Channel

           There are many great channels among YouTube but the one channel that has risen above them all retaining loyalty among viewers, providing great content and providing us with the most entertainment one could wish for was Phillip D Franco's channel sxephil. This is an older channel, one that has been around and gone though the test of time, and thus deserves the award for best content on YouTube, a must check out for sure.

        Best Commercial

    This 2012 Passat Commercial has already been featured in this blog once before, but it deserves all the coverage it has been getting from everyone, it contains everything one would wish from a good commercial and it retains its humor even after being watched a few times, which a hard thing to do, praise is deserved to the Passat Advertisement team.

        Worst Commercial

     Geico has some really good commercials, even some of the caveman commercials were really good at the beginning, but the latest one with him playing scrabble has to be one of the worst commercials ever made. Not only is it bad and annoying, but it is one of the most overplayed commercials on TV which makes us want to distance ourselves from Geico as much as possible, not the desirable feeling a company should want a consumer to have, something they should start considering.


          Best Sports Moment

              Drew Brees has just recently set the new NFL passing record beating Dan Marino's old record and establishing himself as one of the most valuable players within professional football. The moment was made even better by there being an allowance of celebration when it occurred making the whole thing a beautiful spectacle.

          Funniest Sports Moment

             There were a lot of funny moments this year, a lot, but the Bengals front flip touchdown soars on top of that list big time, no way to deny it, this was a 'once in a life time' feat, one that has never been seen before, thus deserving the award for this year's funnies sports moment, and also the most unique moment.

         Sports Drama of the Year

             The NBA strike wins this one hands down, no other drama can even come close to the absurdity of this whole event. Players fighting owners on matters of money is never something the people like to see, specially while we are going through such a tough economic low and they are complaining about not being as rich as they should be. The whole thing was silly, thank god it is over and done with.


       Best Novel

             Patrick Rothfuss's book "Wise Man's Fear" was the sequel to the best seller "The Name of the Wind" and did not disappoint in any way. Patrick delivered not only a great work but one of the best fantasy novels written within our generation, one that deserves all the respect it gets and should be read. If you like reading this series an addition to your collection that you cannot go without, an easy choice for best Novel of the Year.

          Best Humorous Book

            Chelsea Handler has released a few books over the years recounting her life's 'adventures', but this year she released one the funniest books out there "Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me". If you are in the mood for a good read and good laughs then this book is the book for you, surely you will love it. Chelsea's TV show has gotten more and more attention this year as well, it deserves it, and is one that you should check out, her dry humor and blunt statements get me lol'ing every time.

   On A Serious Note

      Most Watched American Protest

          The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement wins this without a fight, it was the biggest protest we experienced this year, and it was a source of inspiration to other surrounding Nations deserving this years award. The negative aspects of the movement though was the disorganization of the movement organizers, the lack of central leadership within the movement, the lack of demands or answers given by movement attendees and so forth. Though there were issues, no one could deny the striking significance and impact this movement had throughout the world, one that will be read and remembered within History Books in the years to come.

       Most Memorable Victory

       When the Libya revolution started no one knew if they were going to win or lose, if they were going to lose heart or fuel, but we saw something amazing come about from this  revolution, the rise of surrounding nations giving aid and assistance to the liberation and thus aiding their eventual victory over the tyrant Gaddafi. There is no telling if things will be better over in Libya but there is a hope that through this victory they will find themselves finally at a time of peace and hopefully prosperity.

        Most Beautiful Moment Inside a Tragedy

         There were many riots this year, but the Canuck's riot in Canada definitely stands on top with some of the scariest of them all. Within the chaos though we find this picture of a guy kissing his girlfriend, how the story goes is that she got hit by something and fell to the floor thus leading her boyfriend to hug her and comfort her, it just so happens that a photographer was taking pictures close by and accidentally caught the picture, thus leading to one of the most viral pictures from the whole riot, depicting beauty in chaos, also winning the best picture of the year award.

       Biggest Natural Disaster

          The earthquake that Japan suffered this year is one that will never be forgotten in the years to come, it was a grave tragedy. There is one beautiful thing to come from this tragedy though, how we saw the world coming together and embracing Japan with aid and volunteers and coverage, thus aiding the hurt nation of Japan and though they will be experiencing the repercussions of this earthquake in the years to come they are not alone in their fight for recovery, and that is always a beautiful thing to see happen.

      Saddest Bankruptcy

         This year Borders Group went out of business, thus we experienced the death of one the biggest book distributors in the United States. This is a significant loss because it shows us what the future might look like in a few years, and how the possibility of e-books being the only survivor being a possible outcome in the future. Another sad demise, at least to me, was Dippin' Dots I loved them and now who knows if they will be back or not, its unfortunate really.

       Scientific Breakthrough

        Though for the majority of the populace this might not mean much, the fact that the CERN scientists discovered a particle, Neutrinos, that travels faster than the speed of light, this is a huge deal in the future of physics and science as a whole. The amount of theories that will have to be modified because of this find and the possibilities that this find creates are astronomical, it is immeasurable, basically this is a very big deal.

       Best End of the Year News

       The return of the troops from Iraq was finally announced a few weeks back and we are excited to finally be done with our involvement in this conflict. We wanted to extend our gratitude for all those that fought and our condolences to the families of all those that fell in battle, war is never a beautiful thing and not something any of us enjoy. Let us pray that the future holds a time of peace, and that this next year will be one filled with resolutions throughout the whole world. 

   And we've reached the end of this year's highlights, there were many other events that stood out to us and may other occurrences that we could have covered here, too many to count really. We hope you have enjoy reading our list and learned something new. Leave a comment with your favorites for this year bellow, and let us know what you thought.

   We hope you have a great rest of the week,

Love from your humble blogger,

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

The Day After

     Many of us did not have to work today, thus we are thankful, but here is a cheers for all those that had to work over the Holidays, may you have some rest this week and may your New Years' be a fun one. The 26th is always an interesting day, we're coming off the Holiday's high, family is still around making small talk, you still have tons of food to digest from the night before, and the need to recharge your energies becomes a striking reality, tis' a great day.

     We are now officially on the last 6 days (counting today) of the year, and we at So Danca want to remember all the highs of the year, the good times, the bad times, events we all should remember, deaths we should keep in mind, births that struck us and so forth. So keep a look out for Wednesday's post, where we'll be making a "Top List of 2011", if you have any suggestions please email us at news@sodanca.com.

     Be sure to make this day a relaxing one, one spent surrounded by those you love and those who love you, rest, sleep, and prepare yourself for Saturday's festivities for surely they will be big. If you happen to be planning the parties for this Saturday then we pray a special prayer for you, for that is never a fun job, nor is it an easy one, thus best of luck planning, preparing (emotionally and physically) for the times ahead. We hope you all have a fantastic week filled with laughter, joy, and plenty of rest.

    The 25th was also a very good day for sports fans with the start of the NBA season and some very good football games going on as well, in fact this whole weekend we had a lot of good games with great sports highlights. We also had the release of "War Horse" and "The Darkest Hour" which have gotten very good reviews so far, specially "War Horse", personally I have not seen it yet, but I'll make a mention when I do. During the Holidays most things are closed and there isn't a lot one can do, sports and theaters though are always available, the benefits to these two options is the level of silence and calmness that can come from them, as where other events might cause your family to have issues taking them to a movie will not, in the end you get 2 hours of peace, and that is always a great thing.

      So we hope you have a fantastic Monday, may it be a restful one, and may your New Year's preparations go smoothly.

Love from your humble blogger,   

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Happy Holidays From Us To You

      And so here we are at last, it is finally Friday and the holidays are upon us, truly one of the best times of the year. From family dinners, to gift exchange, to visiting old friends and making new ones, from eating till you drop and singing Christmas carols, to being among family enjoying a Hanukkah dinner, tis' a season to be jolly and merry, tis' a season where miracles happen, tis' a season of joy.

      It is true that not everyone celebrates the holidays, but even to them this is a time of peace, there is something magical about this time of year, we're about to have the last few days of the year, and with year's end we have a sort of compassionate atmosphere that comes into the equation. There have even been cases within history where there is a ceasefire between warring nations and even a gift exchange between them, Wikipedia has a very well written article on the 1914 Christmas truce, I recommend you check it out, definitely worth a read. LINK

     One of the greatest things about this time of year are all the new releases that get announced, specially new movie previews, phone upgrades, new games and overall hype to prepare us for the new year. The movie previews that you must take a look at right now, like legit drop everything and watch em', are Batman: Rises, Prometheus, The Hobbit, Men In Black III, The Hunger GamesUnderworld: Awakening, and Wrath of the Titans. That's a heavy list of titles which all deserve your attention, I'm specially looking forward to the new Batman installment, The Hobbit, MIB III, and The Hunger Games, 2012 will be an epic movie year, a lot to look forward to.

     This is also a good time of the year to rest and catch up on some reading, or movie watching that you didn't get a chance to do while the year's hectic troubles were upon you. Personally I drive home every Christmas in order to be with family, that means driving from Texas to South Florida which is a 22 hour drive. This year I accomplished the trip in a day, I do not recommend this...ever, but the only way I did so was by purchasing the Hunger Games audio book, I got books one and two, needless to say I didn't even notice where the time went, I only stopped for gas twice and once to change the books on my Iphone, a solid choice overall, I recommend this book. When it comes to books being made into movies I'm on the boat of those that believe that you should read the book first, and that by doing so the movie will mean a lot more to you, thus I cannot help but recommend that you read The Hunger Games prior to the movie coming out, a fantastic read.

    Season finales on TV are also something worth looking into, except for Dexter's finale, I was underwhelmed and disappointed, but thus is life. There are a lot of new shows starting next year worth checking out as well, that list is way to big to include here, so make sure to go to your favorite television channel's website and look em' up, always worth being informed. And of course, how could we not talk about the NBA finally getting their act together and bringing us some good old basketball competition, nothing worse than rich people complaining with other rich people about how much richer they should be, thank god that's done and over with.

    Well, that's a basic recap of everything you should take a look at, look forward to, and enjoy during the end of this year. Do remember to do something nice for a stranger during this Holiday season, try and spread joy around you, this doesn't have to be a big act, small things sometimes make a much larger impact than extravagant things. So go out there and be nice to that family member you dislike, make peace with someone you are in discord with, and try to be the difference, by being the difference you will make a difference. And if all else fails remember the advice in the movie Elf "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing aloud for all to hear", this sounds cheesy but it works, it's a strange thing but it works, trust.

     We hope you have a fantastic Holiday Season full of joy and laughter, and that this weekend will be a restful one.

Love from your humble blogger,

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Last Minute Christmas Shopping "Toys That Never Go Old"

    We have five days till Christmas is upon us, and last minute gift shopping is approaching, that stressful time of the year. Due to this phenomenon approaching, we've decided to aid you in your conquest of finding gifts for that difficult cousin, or that crazy aunt, we are always here to help. As we compiled a normal "last minute" list, something came upon us, something we had forgotten, that some toys are never outgrown, and no matter who you are or what stage in your life you are, you cannot help but to love them. This is not true for all toys, and not all toys on the list apply to everyone, but if I were to bet I would say that at least one of these toys applies to you or a close relative. These would be a fun gift, an unexpected surprise, and bringing someone the ability to remember their childhood days is a gift that has immeasurable worth.

Nerf Guns

       There aren't many guys, out there that would not love to get a Nerf gun, there is something about them that just brings joy to the heart. This applies to some girls as well, people in general, love them. Its a strange phenomenon, in Middle School Nerf is the bomb, in High School you are a nerd if you play with them, in College most frats have 20-30 guns themselves, and in Grad School a nerf gun brings about much joy and remembrance, and in your professional life the process repeats in the same order. It's one of those toys that most will never outgrow, a solid choice. If you are thinking about buying a present for a large group of friends you could even buy them all separate types of Nerf guns, ones that would fit each personality your friends have and give it to them all at once, 9/10 times this will result in good times occurring.


   I'm personally not a huge fan of them, thus proving that some are not into them, but I also didn't play with them much in my childhood. If you have someone in your family that loved them as a child, they will love them as an adult, even if when you give it to them they brush it off, know that when they get home they'll rip the package open and start playing with their Legos. It's a phenomenon really, there are some toys that we will never outgrow, some toys that bring us to a simpler time, and again there are few things in this world as important as being able to take a break, relax, and enjoy something you love, something you cherish, old toys hit just that spot sometimes, and thus another good gift.

Board Games

     Though they say on the package that it's fun for all ages, we know that there are some board games out there that are designed for a younger audience, which is shocking, for they are still fun even today. Some examples that come to mind are Life, Monopoly, Jenga (that counts), Battleship, Operation, Mouse Trap, Clue, Candy Land, and so forth. Get a few friends together and these games are still fun, no matter what age group you belong to. The High School phenomenon still occurs for these games as well sometimes, for some reason things that were cool in Middle School skip High School and become fun again in College, it might have to do with the lack of worry about popularity and the freedom to just be yourself and enjoy life, a good time overall.

Video Games

     Though this is a newer toy, it is still a toy, one for the whole family, and one that is now accepted everywhere, even during the High School phase. There are games for all types of people, sports, dance, shooting, story based games, puzzle, role playing games and so forth. Its astounding for the video game phenomenon overtook the people and now is an accepted toy within most peoples in all age groups, where as when they first came out only the nerds were into them, this is truly a revenge of the nerds moment to all those old jocks from back in the day. So if someone has a system, find them a good game and they will love you, doesn't have to be a new game, could be an older one, just make sure to go to a game site and check how the games were reviewed, if they were good or bad and such, www.ign.com is one such site.

Old Fun Toys

    This requires a little bit more research into the person you might be buying a gift for, but is still a good one. Everyone has That toy that they loved when they were children, this could be a teddy bear, a toy soldier, an action figure even, everyone's got something that they loved as a child that they would love to have again as an adult. This category applies to a very large group of toys, you can buy him/her a Rock'em Sock'em, or it could be an old Atari, and so forth. Again this is the hardest one to get right on the list, but is the one that could bring someone to tears of joy when they receive it. Everyone's got one, got something they loved or wanted but could never afford, with a little research you can find what that was and bring about a Christmas miracle.

   As the Holidays are approaching, we at So Danca want to wish everyone good tidings, and send our love to you. May this week be a great one for you, and may you have a great weekend with family and friends.

Love from your humble blogger,